A Complete Guide to Kissing the Blarney Stone in Ireland

If you’re planning a trip to Ireland from overseas, then chances are you have already jotted down “kiss the Blarney Stone” on your rough cut itinerary. Legend has it that kissing the Blarney Stone will give you “the gift of gab”. An ancient, castle rock with superpowers? Count me in.

Visiting Blarney Castle is something that should be on every Ireland bucket list! While the actual kissing of the stone was a fine activity that took about 15 minutes, the sprawling castle grounds and neighboring town of Cork, Ireland were packed with hidden gems to check out. These were easily some of my favorite memories and locations from my trip to Ireland!

Below is my complete guide to kissing the Blarney Stone in Ireland.

What does “Kiss the Blarney Stone” mean?

“Kissing the Blarney Stone” refers to a tradition in Ireland that involves kissing a very old slab on limestone in Blarney Castle. The stone is about 85 feet up in the air, and visitors lay on their back and hang over the edge to kiss the stone.

Why is the Blarney Stone significant?

Legend has it that anyone who kisses the Blarney stone will be graced with persuasiveness, eloquence, and gab. This is probably owing to the fact that “Blarney” roughly translates to clever or flattering talk.

But there are so many rocks… why this one? Part of the mystique of the Blarney stone is its uncommon history. No one truly knows the origins of the rock. Various accounts over its near-600-year history have connected it to the Crusades, and possibly even to the same source as Stonehenge. But for now, the history remains a mystery.

You can learn more about the Blarney Stone’s unique past here.

Where is the Blarney Stone?

The Blarney Stone is found, unsurprisingly, within Blarney Castle. Blarney Castle is, also unsurprisingly, found in Blarney, Ireland – a town just minutes away from Cork.

As one local told my friend and I enthusiastically: “Blarney rules Cork, Cork rules Ireland, Ireland rules the World”. I haven’t forgotten that phrase years later!

How do you kiss the Blarney Stone?

The photos are true. You kiss the Blarney Stone backwards, while lying on your back. Why? Because that is the only way you can actually reach. Today, there are guardrails in place, so theoretically you could reach going forward. But for anyone with a fear of heights, looking directly down might not be the best idea!

Look at those people all the way down there in the bottom left!

How much does it cost to kiss the Blarney Stone?

Tickets to kiss the Blarney Stone cost around $19 USD (18 euros). This ticket also includes admission to both Blarney Castle and the accompanying grounds. While kissing the Blarney Stone is certainly the most popular attraction, the rest of Blarney Castle is massive and, in my opinion, even more interesting. Make sure that you budget in a full day to truly explore everything!

Is the Blarney Stone Clean?

In our post-pandemic lockdown world, hundreds of people swapping spit on the same piece of limestone certainly wouldn’t fly. Rest assured that the stone is cleaned between users from this point forward. If you feel more comfortable, you could also kiss it with a mask on!

How long does it take to kiss the Blarney Stone?

The line for the Blarney Stone can be extremely long. I would recommend getting in line right at opening time so you don’t have to spend a majority of your day waiting. That way, you can save most of your mid-morning and early afternoon exploring the grounds and castle.

Once you get to the coveted ‘front-of-the-line’ position, the actual act of kissing the stone takes about 45 seconds. 

What else can I do at Blarney Castle?

Blarney Castle, and its surrounding grounds, are packed full of oddities and things to explore. Certainly allocate enough time to see everything else!

Here are 3 of the best activities to do on castle grounds:

Explore the Castle

The Blarney Stone is located in a castle so, naturally, you have to explore it. Wandering through the ancient halls, you’ll see the old banquet hall, decrepit chapel, and eerie dungeons.

Tour Blarney House

Blarney House is an amazing manor built in 1874. The architecture is much different than the stone structures of the original castle, as the architect was from Belfast up in the north. The mansion was constructed to celebrate the homecoming of the owners – who had been away for over 50 years. Today, you can tour Blarney House in addition to the castle.

Head into the Poison Garden

When a sign states “DO NOT SMELL OR EAT ANY PLANT” in bold letters is tacked onto the welcome sign of a garden, you can be assured that you are in an interesting place. You won’t find roses and sunflowers in this garden. Instead, you’ll wander past monkshood, nightshade, and mandrake. Basically – anything that might be found in Severus Snape’s personal storage. This was one of the most fascinating areas of our trip. I highly recommend checking it out! 

Wander Through the Gardens

There are so many beautiful plants and water sources on the property. I would recommend allocating your entire afternoon to strolling through the entire castle grounds. You never know what you might find!

That’s all, folks!

Hopefully this guide gives you a good idea of what to expect when you head to Ireland to check off your “Kiss the Blarney Stone” bucket list item!

Southern Ireland is packed full of wonderful activities and sights to visit! Check out my Southern Ireland Roadtrip Itinerary for more ideas!

Have you kissed the Blarney Stone? Share your experience below in the comments!