Hang Glide in Interlaken: The Ultimate Guide

Bucket list check #1: Hang Glide in Interlaken

Imagine for just a moment that you are moments away from your first hang gliding flight. Someone with astonishingly similar vibes as a Santa Monica surfer slides a liability waiver to you and assures you “it’s all good, Dude! Just sign here and we’ll be off”. You have to admit, you didn’t read the waiver too closely. But you assume it was something akin to this: our company is not liable should this glorified kite shred to pieces at the first gust of wind. I hereby acknowledge that I brought this on myself.

This is the beginning of a “hang glide adventure”.

Hang gliding over Interlaken

My philosophy is this: if you’re going to legally agree to leap off a cliff with half of a tent strapped to your back, then it might as well be in a beautiful location. At least, should the glider rip, in your final moments you’d be able to look at mountains and not the parking lot of a Walmart in Nevada. 

My vote on location enthusiastically goes to Interlaken.

Interlaken is an adventurer’s haven snuggled in a valley of the Alps, surrounded from all angles by towering mountains and turquoise lakes and rivers. I can’t think of a better place to hang glide through the air.

Below is the ultimate guide for hang gliding in Interlaken.

Hang gliding vs. Paragliding

Hang gliding and paragliding are very similar, and are both very popular adventure activities in Interlaken. It’s a bit confusing to have two ‘glidings’ in our lives, so here are the major differences:

  • Speed: Paragliding is a parachute, hang gliding is a glider kite. Hang gliders tend to be a bit more aerodynamic due to their shape and, therefore, are capable of going much faster than a paraglider (which sort of floats towards the ground). 
  • Harness angle: Paragliders have seats, hang gliders have hammocks. With hang gliders, you are basically laying down on your stomach. This gives you an incredible birds eye view of the ground below. With paragliders, you are seated in a chair, and have more of a panoramic view

Booking a hang gliding flight in Interlaken

Where to book a flight

Nearly every adventure excursion from sky to water can be booked directly from your accommodation. Simply inquire at the front desk and they’ll arrange pick-up, drop-off, and billing. Just make sure you book 24-48 hours in advance, or you run the risk of some activities filling up.

I booked with Bumblebee Hang Gliding directly from Balmer’s hostel the day before I took off for flight. The entire process took 10 minutes. I had a great experience with Bumblebee (not sponsored). The flight instructors were friendly, and even gave us free beer credits after our flight (score!). 

If you are looking for alternatives, I recommend asking your accommodation for their adventure partners.

How much does it cost to hang glide?

Expect to pay around $260USD for a hang gliding flight in Interlaken. This includes roundtrip transportation, hired pilot for the glider, and free drinks at the end. Note that this is not a lesson, but more just a scenic flight. Lessons will cost a bit more.

Although paragliding is a bit cheaper, I think it is worth the extra amount to hang glide instead. 

Packing list

What to wear while hang gliding

  1. Shoes that strap to your feet (I recommend gym shoes!)
  2. A windbreaker. But really any type of jacket or sweatshirt will do. It’s cold up there!
  3. Pants… not shorts. Even if it’s warm on the ground, shorts would be a mistake

What to bring while hang gliding

You do not need to bring anything with you except for ID, money for tip, and cellphone. The hang gliders have pockets for small items, but I would recommend not bringing anything that you cannot zip into a coat pocket, in the event that they do not let you shove items in the pocket at the last second

Optional Pro-Tip: Bring a GO-PRO. Bumblebee lets you bring your own go-pro camera and attach it to the back of the glider for free. This is a great option if you do not want to pay for the photo package.

My hang gliding experience

Our pilots picked us up from our hostel in the early morning, and we drove for about 30 minutes into the mountains. Along the way, we reviewed the safety protocol. Though, in all honesty, I’m still not exactly confident that “tucking your limbs in” would help in the event that our kite wing got a massive hole in it. 

Once at the launch point, we helped assemble the gliders. It felt exactly like setting up a tent for a night of camping. The fact that I could help assemble the gliders was not reassuring. If anything, it just reminded me that I would soon be hundreds of feet above the ground suspended by nothing more than that which strongly resembled a Coleman 4-person tent. 

Once they were all set up, we were ready for launch! And the flight begins with a sprint… down the mountain. But juuuust when your legs begin helicoptering out of control and you think you are about to faceplant, the wind swoops out from underneath your kite, and you begin to soar.

Queue the How to Train Your Dragon flying theme. 

I don’t know how to describe the feeling better than that, honestly. Hang gliding is the closest that humans can get to experience soaring like a falcon with a bird’s eye view of the Swiss Alps and turquoise waters of the region.

Hang gliding in the air over Interlaken

Final thoughts: Was hang gliding worth it?

YES! Heartily yes.

Trust me when I say that I was so hesitant to spend the money, as I wasn’t sure the flight would be worth the cost. 15 seconds into the ride, and I was hooked.

If you’re heading to Interlaken, I highly recommend booking a hang gliding excursion!

Also – check out my Interlaken Bucket List for more activities to do while visiting the city.