Dubrovnik Game of Thrones tour | The ultimate guide

Dubrovnik, Croatia was a major filming location for the HBO TV show, Game of Thrones. In fact, Dubrovnik was the primary filming location for the majority of scenes set in King’s Landing. If you are heading to Croatia and looking for a great day activity, I highly recommend embarking on a Dubrovnik Game of Thrones tour.

Embarking on a Dubrovnik Game of Thrones tour

There are many companies that offer Dubrovnik Game of Thrones tours. These companies offer a wide variety of durations, add-ons, and prices. I recommend doing a bit of research in order to choose a company that best meets your budget and interests.

Here are three reputable companies that offer Game of Thrones tours:

1. Dubrovnik Walks Game of Thrones Tour

This company offers 2-3 hour walking tours around Dubrovnik, and will stop at all of the major Game of Thrones filming locations. All tours will be accompanied by a knowledgeable guide who will share fun facts and behind the scenes filming anecdotes from the filming of the show.

Tours here typically cost $30-50 USD depending on seasonality and other inclusions. Be sure to check the company website for the most up to date information. 

2. Game of Thrones Dubrovnik Tours

Similar to above, this company offers walking tours of Dubrovnik’s main Game of Thrones filming locations. However, it also offers kayaking tours – which will take you to the filming locations on Lokrum Island (Qarth gardens), and Dubrovnik West Harbor (Blackwater Bay). 

These tours are a bit more expensive at around $40-100 USD (300-600 Croatian kuna). Kayaking tours are significantly more expensive than walking tours. Again, be sure to check the company’s website for the most up to date information.

3. Viator Game of Thrones Tours

Viator offers walking tours, kayak tours, and combo tours of all of the various Dubrovnik Game of Thrones locations. Prices will vary depending on the tour booked, but they will also be in the ballpark of  $40-100 USD (300-600 Croatian kuna)

With that in mind, let’s talk a bit about the film sites you are likely to see on your Dubrovnik Game of Thrones tour!

Major site locations on a Dubrovnik Game of Thrones tour

1. Fort Lovrijenac | The Red Keep

Fort Lovrijenac is a medieval fortress that juts out into the harbor of the Adriatic Sea. It is one of the most prominent landmarks in Dubrovnik, and was the filming location for the Red Keep – King’s Landing’s iconic castle.

Some iconic Game of Thrones scenes were shot within these fortress walls, including: Joffrey’s name day tournament and Cersei’s iconic “power is power” dialogue with Littlefinger.

Admission to Fort Lovrijenac is typically included with the purchase of a ticket to walk along the Old Town walls. You can purchase a ticket for around $32 USD (or 200 Croatian Kuna).

2. Pile Gate | King’s Landing Entrance

Pile Gate is one of the primary entrances to Dubrovnik’s Old Town area. It was also, understandably, used as the entrance to King’s Landing’s city limits. Pile Gate is recognizable by its magnificent drawbridge and stone staircase, which are always open to the public.

Perhaps the most iconic scene filmed at Pile Gate was the horrific mob scene where someone in the crowd throws a pile of cow manure at Joffrey’s face (so satisfying). The resulting riot where Joffrey orders his guards to “kill them all” took place on these steps as well.   

You do not need a ticket to visit the Pile Gate, and the drawbridge is always open. If you are entering Old Town Dubrovnik, you will likely pass through.

Photo Credit: Filip Baotic via Unsplash

3. Dubrovnik West Harbor & Pile Harbor | Blackwater Bay

The Dubrovnik West Harbor and located just outside the Old Town city walls was the filming location for Blackwater Bay. It was primarily used in Season 2 when Stannis Baratheon attacks King’s Landing in an attempt to reclaim the throne. Also, notably, Dubrovnik West Harbor was also the filming site when Joffrey ordered his guards to slay the bastards or Robert Baratheon.

Pile Harbor, which is located slightly closer to the city walls, was the filming site for King’s Landing’s main harbor. A few famous scenes were shot here, including Princess Myrcella’s departure to Dorne, and several of Shae, Sansa, and Littlefinger’s dialogues.

Both of the harbors are free for visitors. If you are planning to rent kayaks for the day, you will depart from Pile Harbor. 

4. Dubrovnik City Walls | King’s Landing City Walls

The ancient city walls surrounding Dubrovnik’s Old Town were the primary fortification for King’s Landing. Many shots took place atop these walls – but arguably the most famous are the scenes where Tyrion and company defend King’s Landing during the battle of Blackwater.

Photo Credit: Geio Tischler via Unsplash

5. Jesuit Staircase | Steps of the Great Sept of Baelor

The Jesuit Staircase is perhaps the most well-known filming location in Dubrovnik. This is the site of Cersei Lannister’s famous “walk of shame”. The scene began at the top of the stairs, and continued down through the surrounding streets.

This scene was one of the most expensive shots filmed in Croatia. Production paid shop owners and residents so the streets were entirely closed for the days of filming. 

The Jesuit Staircase is accessible to the public.

Photo Credit: Mana5280 via Unsplash

6. Minčeta Tower | The House of the Undying

Minčeta Tower is a 14th century fortress and well-recognized historic landmark in Old Town Dubrovnik. It is also the filming location for the House of the Undying in season two – the tower where the warlocks of Qarth dwell.

In the shot, Daenerys circles the tower in search of her missing dragons. The tower does not appear to have doors. As she rounds the tower, she magically disappears and finds herself inside.

Minčeta Tower is accessible to the public with the purchase of a ticket to walk along the Old Town walls. You can purchase a ticket for around $32 USD (or 200 Croatian Kuna). 

7. Rector’s Palace | Qarth Palace

The Rector’s Palace served as the seat of the Republic of Ragusa (now Dubrovnik) until 1808. Today it is a city museum that houses some of the most famous artifacts and documents from the city’s long history. 

In Game of Thrones, Rector’s Palace was the filming location for much of the city of Qarth in season 2. Specifically, the grand staircase where Daenerys delivered her famous line: “with fire and blood, I will take it”. 

Admission to Rector’s Palace costs around $15 USD for adults (100 Croatian kuna). The palace is open from 9am to 6pm on most days. During the winter months (November to March) the museum closes at 4pm.

8. Ethnographic Museum Rupe | Littlefinger’s Brothel

The Ethnographic Museum Rupe is a museum that houses a variety of traditional clothing, artifacts around the topic of agriculture, and over 6,000 items related to Dubrovnik’s heritage and history. In the 16th century, the structure was a granary that kept the city’s grain stored at cool and dry temperatures.

Tyrion and Oberyn first meet one another outside the Ethnographic Museum – which served as the exterior of Littlefinger’s brothel in the show. 

Admission costs around $19 USD (130 Croatian kuna). The museum is open from 9am – 4pm on every day except Tuesday.

9. Gradac Park | The Purple Wedding & King’s Landing Gardens

Gradac Park is located just steps away from Fort Lovrijenac. Today, Gradac Park is open to the public, though it looks quite different. When filming, the production team spray painted large sections of the gravel in the park a bright red. Remnants of the gravel is still laying in the park.

In season four, Gradac Park was the filming location for the Purple Wedding – Joffrey Baratheon and Margaery Tyrell’s infamous wedding. It is also the site where Joffrey met his demise (yikes). 

The park is free and open to the public. 

10. Lokrum Island | Qarth Gardens

While Lokrum Island is technically outside the scope of most Dubrovnik Game of Thrones tours, it is still certainly worth an honorable mention! Lokrum Island is a nature preserve located just off the shore of Dubrovnik in the Adriatic Sea.

Lokrum Island was the filming location for the garden scenes in Qarth. This is the first time that Jorah Mormont encountered the veiled oracle. It is also the first time that Daenerys encounters the warlocks.

I recommend renting a kayak for your trip to Lokrum Island. There are many kayak companies that offer rentals for $40-50 USD per day.

That’s all, folks!

Hopefully this guide gives you an idea of what to expect on a Game of Thrones tour in Dubrovnik! If you are traveling to an area and are a fan of the show, then a tour is a fantastic afternoon activity.

Looking for other activities to add to your itinerary? Check out my guide of top things to do in Dubrovnik!

Have you been to Dubrovnik? Leave a comment below with some of your favorite sites and activities.