11 Travel essentials that should be in your suitcase for every single trip.

Packing is always such an overwhelming task. And I am such a ‘by-the-seat-of-my-pants’ personality, that I often end up cramming my belongings into my bag approximately 20 minutes before takeoff. But, as someone who packs with the haste of an on-duty fireman, I’ve narrowed down my list of travel essentials that I pack every. single. time.

Without further ado, here are 11 must-have items that should be on every travel essentials list.

Photo Credit: Rana Sawalha via Unsplash

11 Travel essentials that should be in your suitcase for every single trip.

1. Portable Charger

A portable charger is an absolute must travel essential for anyone embarking on a trip. If you’ll be out and about all day, there is a high likelihood that your phone will run out of juice. And you need a solution that will help remedy that. There is nothing worse than running out of battery in a new location without access to maps data or communication. 

Charge up your portable charger overnight, and carry it with you during the day. It’s a double or triple battery and is a huge lifesaver. Just make sure you pack the accompanying cords to make sure it work correctly!

I use this brand. But you can find a whole bunch online or on Amazon.com.

2. Universal Travel Adapter

When you travel abroad, there is a high likelihood that the outlets available in accommodations are not like the ones you have back at home. What does this mean? It means that the curling iron you lugged all the way from Massachusetts won’t work in Rome. That is, unless you have a universal adapter.

A universal adapter has almost all of the major plug ports that are found around the globe. Simply plug the local outlet prongs into the wall of your accommodation, and plug the cords you brought from home into the universal adapter. 

This is a travel essential for anyone traveling abroad.

I use this brand, but you can find a whole bunch online or on Amazon.com.

3. Earplanes

So, here’s the thing about me. My ears HATE being on airplanes. They get horrendously plugged, and I used to spend hours in sheer agony as we ascended to higher altitudes. That is, until I discovered the power of earplanes. My absolute lifesaver.

Earplanes are basically next generation ear plugs. You screw your earplanes into your ears before takeoff, and remove them once you hit cruising altitude. You’ll be entirely fine for the rest of the flight until landing, when you pop them back in your ear. I’m not kidding. This is a gamechanger.

If you, like me, suffer from painful ears on those long haul flights, invest in a pair of earplanes. You can usually pick them up right at the airport. But I recommend buying them in advance, just in case.

Here is the brand that I use.

4. Travel-sized first aid kit

I am a firm believer in carrying around your own travel first aid kit. You never know when tiny accidents or cuts are going to happen, and its always best to have a contingency plan in place. The real hack with the travel sized first aid kit is to build it yourself. That way, you can maximize capacity by making sure that you know how to use every item in your kit. Here are a few essentials you should make sure to have:

Alcohol wipes, band aids, neosporin, gauze, blister pads, tums, aspirin/advil. The rest is entirely up to you! Take inventory of what you’ll need, and make yourself a little emergency kit.

You can create this kit in any container: a pencil case, an old make-up bag. Sky’s the limit. Just make sure you have one.

5. A really great travel backpack

Few things can make or break a trip quite like not having the appropriate luggage. I firmly believe that a great travel backpack is an absolute travel essential. 

Whether you are looking for a solid day pack to carry around your destination, or if you are looking for a full-blown backpacking backpack to carry all of your items from city to city, you’ll need to invest in one that will last years.

I recommend the brands Osprey and Gregroy for both types of backpacks. They will last you years, and you often have a really great warranty on them, should anything go wrong with the item. 

I use this backpack as my daypack, and the Osprey Farpoint 70 backpack as my full blown travel backpack. I’ve had them both for over 10 years, and they are still in excellent condition. I take them on just about every trip I go on – even local ones to visit friends or family.

Check out REI.com to see if there are any sales. A great time to purchase a backpack is during the REI Garage Sale. Keep an eye out!

Photo Credit: Suhyeon Choi via Unsplash

6. A journal

The top of the travel essentials.

I am a firm believer that travel really changes your perspective on the world in a way that few other things do. When you’re traveling, you’re going to want a way to document everything that is happening: the mishaps, the revelations, the people, all of it.

They say a picture tells a thousand words. But only your writing can capture and archive exactly what you are feeling in the moment of those pictures. With that said, make sure you bring a journal along with you.

Any old journal will work. But my personal favorite is this traveler’s journal. You can swap out the inserts and reuse the leather binding over and over again. It’s lightweight and small, making it the perfect travel companion. 

Photo Credit: Glenn Carstens Peters via Unsplash

7. Noise-cancelling headphones

These are non-negotiable travel essentials. If you’re going to be spending a lot of time on airplanes in your travels, then I highly suggest investing in a pair of noise-canceling headphones. They are more of a game-changer than you could ever possibly imagine. 

A good pair of headphones will help cut out the sounds of noisy jet engines or loud hostel guests. They are absolutely worth the price point.

My personal favorites are ‘Bose’, ‘Beats Studio Pros’, and ‘AirPod Pros’

Pro tip: buy them refurbished from Amazon.com. They are significantly cheaper and work just as well. Plus, you still have a warranty guarantee in the event that anything is wrong with them. I bought my noise canceling headphones refurbished, and I’ve had them for the past 7 years with no issues.

Photo Credit: supply xcGSvYOLcwE via Unsplash

8. Microfiber Towel

A good microfiber towel is absolutely an essential travel item. They are quick-drying and are so versatile. And when you’re traveling, items that are versatile are so much more valuable. 

You can use your towel for the beach or after hostel showers. But you can also create a makeshift curtain in a bright accommodation, or as a pillow on an uncomfortable plane ride. 

Because they dry so quickly, you can easily tie it to your backpack to dry, or hang it up in your accommodation.

I use this brand. But really, any microfiber towel will do.

9. A copy of your passport

Having a copy of your passport is an absolute must. And the kicker here is to keep it hidden away in a different place than your real passport. That way, if you lose your real passport, you still have a form of identification that you can take to your embassy.

If you’re going out at night in a foreign country, I almost recommend taking the copy with you, and keeping your real passport locked up and safe. Some countries do not recognize state IDs. So having a passport copy is a great solution.

Print this off before you head out on your trip, and keep it alongside a copy of your travel insurance.

Photo Credit: Taylor Beach via Unsplash

10. Money belt

This one is pretty self-explanatory. But having a money belt is always a solid idea. Particularly a waterproof one. I would stash the above mentioned passport copy and several larger bills of the local currency in here. This is your failsafe backup plan should anything get stolen. It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen.

You might also consider keeping your accommodation or car keys in here, if applicable.

I use this brand, but any money belt will do.

11. A buff

Remember when I said ‘items that are versatile are more valuable’. Well… enter versatile item number two: the buff. If you’re a fan of Survivor you are well aware of the buff at this point. But basically a buff is a circular piece of fabric that can be worn in a number of different ways. 

If you’re traveling, a buff is a great utility item to have. You can use it as an eye mask or a face cover for dusty areas. You can also use it as a head or neck scarf, if needed. 

Buffs are great because you can wear them on your wrist, and they take up such little space in your pack. They also come in a variety of fun colors and styles. Have a go at picking one that suits your aesthetic.

Check out their official website to peruse the various styles!

That’s all, folks

Hopefully this guide helps you kick start your packing list for your next adventure. Packing is always such an overwhelming task. But these 11 items are a no-brainer to take on each and every trip you embark on.

Do you have any travel essentials that you NEED to bring with you? Drop a comment below and list them out!

For more inspiration, check out my ‘Packing List for Women’ and my ‘Packing List for the Everest Base Camp’ guide.