About Me

Hey there! It’s lovely to meet you!

Welcome to Partly Improvised! In case we haven’t crossed paths before, My name is Amy – I am 27 years old currently residing in New York City.

I am the photographer, videographer and creative behind Partly Improvised – a community of individuals checking off their bucket lists one box at a time.

How it Started

A few months back, while I was visiting my parents’ home in Chicago, I came across my ‘Bucket List Journal’. I built this journal prior to entering college with the intention of creating a journal entry for every item checked off the list. But when I opened the journal nearly seven years later… Spoiler alert: It was blank.

And that single moment kicked this whole concept off. There are few things worse than coming face to face with your dreams and realizing that you let a sliver of life slip by without going for it. So I have made a goal with myself to tackle and document my bucket list, once and for all. No more excuses, just experiences!

Why ‘Partly Improvised’?

Life is WAY more exciting and fun the moment you stop allowing insecurities and excuses to get in the way of living the life you want to live. That’s why I decided to title this blog “Partly Improvised”.

As a former improv comedian, we are taught that the ONLY rule of improvisation is to say “yes, and” to whatever situation presents itself to you. And I cannot think of a better mindset than ‘Yes, And’ to tackle a bucket list with.

There are items on my bucket list that scare the heck out of me (looking at you, ‘performing stand-up comedy’), and there are others that I have no IDEA how to even approach tackling (…’producing lo-fi beats’???). But part of this whole process is letting go of fear and just… saying ‘Yes, and’ to the adventure!

Follow the Adventure!

I see this blog as my little space on the internet to share my adventures, my creations, my encounters with numerous wonderful people, and my mistakes (including the lessons I have learned from making them). And maybe, just maybe, these stories will inspire YOU to seek adventure wherever you are too!

I hope you enjoy reading these tales as much as I have enjoyed reliving them!

Check out my full bucket list here to dive in!

