Riding the California Zephyr | The Ultimate Guide

The California Zephyr is a 2,438 mile route spanning from Emeryville, California (just outside of San Francisco and Oakland) to Chicago, Illinois. Over the course of 3 days, the train will travel through Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and California. You will wind through the Sierra Nevada, cross the Mississippi River, and pass through the Colorado Rockies. 

The route is breathtakingly gorgeous. 

My roommate and I traveled on the California Zephyr during peak COVID season. It was truly our only option. We were moving from California to Chicago, didn’t want to fly, and couldn’t find a car to rent for the life of us. We decided to book a room on the Zephyr, as it was an easy way to socially distance ourselves while moving all of our belongings across the country. Throughout the trip, we rarely ever left our little bubble of a room (literally only left the room to go to the bathroom). And EVEN STILL the journey was one of the most remarkable and breathtaking experiences of my life. And I WILL be going again!

If you are looking for an adventure and an amazing way to see the United States, the California Zephyr is 100% your best bet. Here is my ultimate guide for the California Zephyr route.

Breaking down the California Zephyr Costs

The cost of the California Zephyr can cost anywhere from $200-$1,500 for a one-way ticket. The total cost will depend on several factors, such as the accommodation you choose, the length of your trip, and the time of year you are traveling. Travel tends to be more expensive during the summer months and peak holiday seasons. But the biggest cost factor is the sleeping accommodation you choose.

Coach Tickets

A Zephyr ticket for coach seats costs anywhere from $200-400 USD one-way. This ticket guarantees you a seat in the main cabin and a place to store your luggage. Notably, a coach ticket does not include complimentary meals. You will have to purchase food from the dining and snack cars – so you will likely have to budget an additional $100-$150 for food on top of your ticket cost.

Roommette Tickets

A roomette ticket ranges from $700-$1,000 USD one-way. The good news? You can split this cost with a buddy! A roomette is basically a private, small room on the train that includes a tiny table and two chairs. At night, the room is converted into bunk beds, allowing for ample comfortable sleeping space. A purchase of this ticket includes 3 complementary meals per day – but you can still choose to grab snacks from the snack car if you’d like!

One-Bedroom Tickets

A one-bedroom on the Amtrak ranges anywhere from $900-1,500 USD one-way. A one-bedroom ticket is similar to the roomette in that you get your own, private room. The difference? With a one-bedroom, you have much more space. You also have a private bathroom, which is really nice. If you are traveling with a family, this may be a great option.

My opinion? Go for the roomette and bring a friend. It was worth every penny.

An Overview of the California Zephyr Route

How long does the California Zephyr take?

The California Zephyr takes approximately 51 hours to travel from Emeryville, California to Chicago (and vice versa). However, the length of your trip might be longer depending on how many stops you make along the way. The train passes through Salt Lake City, Denver, and Reno (to name a few), and many travelers opt to disembark to explore for a few days.

Expect a minimum of three days to be aboard the train. The rest of the time is yours to add as you’d like!

What are meals like on the California Zephyr?

The food on the California Zephyr is remarkably great. The meals are prepared by skilled chefs on board, and offer a diverse number of options throughout the day. The menu has many vegetarian options and, for the most part, is pretty healthily curated.

Meals on the California Zephyr are complementary for passengers with a roomette or one-bedroom ticket. You can choose to eat your meal in your room, or venture up to the dining car, which has a much better view). 

Passengers riding in coach have access to a cafe car that offers a more limited menu, but is open throughout the day.

You can see the full menu here.


For breakfast, Amtrak offers omelets, quesadillas, french toast, and eggs – all served with optional sides of bacon or sausage. You can also opt for a simpler option of cereal, yogurt, and fruit. Coffee, juice, milk, or other beverages are included.


For lunch, you have the option to choose between a variety of salads, sandwiches, and burgers. Lunch is served with desert and a side – which change daily. You also have a choice of beverage included with your meal.


For dinner, you have the option to build your own three-course meal. The menu offers three appetizer options, four entrees (including steak, chicken breast, and pastas), and three desert options (chocolate mousse… yum). Dinner is served with a complementary alcoholic beverage (usually wine), or any other soft drink of choice.

Packing for the California Zephyr

Keep in mind that you will be traveling on a train for many days straight and, for most of the journey, you will be seated. As such, it is important to dress in comfortable clothing. 

I recommend bringing a personal bag containing your most important items (wallet, phone, computer, etc.) that you carry with you at all times. A second suitcase containing your clothing and toiletries, can be stored in the designated bag check areas. If you are planning to stay for an extended period of time in the end destination (either Chicago or Emeryville/San Francisco) then you can opt to check a large bag in the luggage compartment. Note that you will not have easy access to this bag during the trip, and it can be claimed during any of the stopping points or at your end destination.

What to pack in your backpack

  • Phone
  • Computer
  • Camera (optional)
  • Chargers
  • Wallet
  • Sunglasses/glasses
  • Headphones
  • Light jacket (in case it gets cold)
  • A book or something else for entertainment
  • Any other items that you want to make sure are in your possession all times

What to pack in your suitcase

  • Comfortable clothing (sweatpants, leggings, T-shirts, sweatshirts)
  • Socks (it gets cold!)
  • Slip on shoes (birkenstocks, slides, etc. for easily sliding on and off at night)
  • Gym shoes (for the day)
  • Toiletries (toothbrush/toothpaste, contact lenses, medication, facewash, etc.)
  • Blanket (easily compressed)
  • Pillow or neck pillow

Is there wifi on the California Zephyr?

Wifi is ‘technically’ available on the California Zephyr. But it is SPOTTY to say the least. In fact, on the day when my roommate and I traveled, we were informed the second we pulled out of the station that the wifi would be out for the entire journey. Ah yes. A good ole’ bait and switch. Normally it wouldn’t even matter. The views are so remarkable, that it would almost be a waste to spend the whole time on your phone. Unfortunately for us, we committed to working during two of our travel days, and had to hot spot our conference calls. Don’t be us. Take the days off of work, and just enjoy.

Is the California Zephyr worth the hype?

One hundred times YES. The California Zephyr is worth the hype. It is such a unique travel experience that offers stunning and remote views of the American West. You’ll travel through mountains, canyons, and prairies. You twist through pine forests and soar across rivers and flats. The journey was an incredible way to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and just enjoy the ride. I spent, literally, the entire trip staring out the window saying “WOAAHHH” every 30 seconds. 

That being said – the trip is LONG, and you are cramped in relatively tight quarters. It might not be a journey for everyone. If you cannot sit upright in a chair for prolonged periods of time, then I absolutely recommend spending the extra money to get a room. You can also choose to take the train from California to Denver (the most beautiful leg of the trip). This will shorten the journey by a day and a half, which makes it much more manageable. 

Flying is certainly faster and more convenient. But if you are looking for a journey, rather than a destination, then the California Zephyr is absolutely for you.

That’s all, folks!

Hopefully this guide gives you an idea of what to expect on a California Zephyr cross-country adventure. The route is so majestic – and is honestly one of the best ways to see all that the United States has to offer. I highly recommend checking it out!

Have you embarked on the California Zephyr? Drop a comment below to share your experience!

Ending your route in San Francisco or Chicago? Check out my Chicago City Guide and San Francisco City Guide to help build out your itinerary!