10 travel essentials for women to bring on your next adventure

Packing is always such an overwhelming task. And I am such a ‘by-the-seat-of-my-pants’ personality, that I often end up cramming my belongings into my bag approximately 20 minutes before takeoff. But, as someone who packs with the haste of an on-duty fireman, I’ve narrowed down my list of travel essentials for women that I pack every. single. time.

Without further ado, here are my top 10 travel essentials for women to add to their packing list!

Photo Credit: Marissa Grootes via Unsplash

10 Travel essentials for women

1. Money belt

Starting off the list strong with a money belt. I actually recommend this for any traveler, as it is a great way to keep valuable items close to your person JUST IN CASE you lose your luggage, your purse, or your phone. Money belts are worn under your clothing, and are not visible. They are also not a hindrance!

Inside your money belt, I recommend keeping a copy of your passport, your travel insurance card, and around $30-$50 USD of the local currency in cash. This is your “oh S**T” reserves. You might even consider tossing your AirBnb key in here too.

This is the brand that I use. But any money belt will work!

2. Scarf or shawl

Scarves and shawls are so versatile, and are an absolute must for any woman embarking on travel. In addition to upleveling an outfit, they have a million other use-cases: a blanket on a drafty airplane, a makeshift buff for sandy or dusty weather, shade from the blistering sun. But perhaps the most underappreciated use-case for scarves is ‘immediate modesty’. 

Remember that when you are a tourist, you are a guest. It is important to follow local customs and traditions when traveling. In some countries, modesty is the norm. If you’re planning to visit churches in Rome, your shoulders have to be covered. In some countries, it is the norm for women to cover their hair. Sometimes, these rules can sneak up on you.

Enter: Scarf. 

Simply remove the scarf from your outfit and BOOM. Shoulders covered, hair wrapped away. This saved me countless times in Rome when I stumbled into a neat church while wearing a spaghetti strap dress. 

3. Foldable tote bag

Now listen – a foldable tote bag has come in so clutch more times that I can possibly holler into this tiny blurb. 

Imagine you are walking around a city and stumble into an adorable market lined with fruits or knick-knacks. You want to buy everything in sight… but then you remember you don’t have any way to carry them home. And, because this is a pop up market, there are no bags available. Ugh. 

A foldable tote bag solves this issue immediately! You’ll never know when you will have to carry things. And these foldable totes fit easily in your purse without taking up any room at all.

Even if you don’t end up using it – no sweat off your back to carry it around!

You can very easily purchase 10-packs of foldable tote bags. Check these out!

4. Wet wipes

If you’re traveling, then chances are you’ll be walking a bunch. And where there’s walking, there is sweating. We don’t always have time to head back to our accommodation between activities. Wet Wipes are a great solution.

I recommend bringing a few different kinds for your trip. 

Full body wet wipes are a great substitute for a shower in a pinch. These are great if you are backpacking – because you never know when those showers might break down!

  1. Sea to Summit Wilderness Wipes

Regular wet wipes are a great option to pack in a purse. They’re great for quick fixer-uppers or to remedy spills and sticky ice-cream fingers.

  1. Wet Ones

Finally, I recommend bringing a few wipes made especially for the ladies (if you know what I mean). Always a good idea to have a few of these at the ready. Goes without saying, but DO NOT use other wet wipes for this purpose.

5. Travel door lock or alarm

If you are a woman traveling solo, then, unfortunately, safety is a big concern. We want to be sure we are safe in our accommodations. Again – 99% of the time, things are perfectly fine. But to add one extra layer of security, I recommend purchasing a travel door lock, or a travel door stop alarm. At least one safety item should be on your list of travel essentials for women.

A door stop alarm is placed just inside your bedroom door. If the door were to swing open in the middle of the night, it would wedge into the doorstep and sound the alarm. Not only will this wake you up, but it would also likely scare off anyone trying to break in.

Similarly, a travel door lock wedges into the actual lock function of the door, making it impossible for someone to turn the lock from the outside. They are designed in a way that will ensure intruders cannot enter your room, without doing any damage to the door.

Check out options like this one.

6. Whistle

If you are a woman traveling alone, then I recommend keeping a whistle somewhere on your person. Now listen – 99% of the time, you will be totally fine. I’ve found almost every interaction I’ve had abroad to be immensely positive. But it never hurts to be a bit prepared.

Many countries outlaw some of the more aggressive self-defense tools, like pepper spray. And a lot of attractions will, understandably, ban sharp objects. A whistle is a great happy medium. If you find yourself in a pickle, you can cause a little chaos to alert the people around you.

Try this whistle that attaches to backpacks.

7. Cross-body bag with zipper

If you are traveling, chances are you are going to want to bring a purse along with you. 

A cross-body purse is a bit more secure, and can’t easily be snatched off of your shoulder. You probably already have one of these at home. The main thing to keep in mind here is that your bag should be able to sling over your shoulder, and should have a zipper for extra security.

Again, any bag that meets the criteria above will work. Here is an example of a great option.

Photo Credit: Aurelia Dubois via Unsplash

8. Toiletry bag

A really great toiletry bag with compartments

Everyone needs a great toiletry bag. It is an absolute essential item for optimizing space in your suitcase. That said, we want to make sure we purchase a toiletry kit that is large enough to store all of our small, yet essential, items – from contact lenses, to medications, to retainers. Even jewelry and other small accessories fit nicely inside.

I recommend purchasing a kit with several compartments so you can easily categorize. The kit that I have hangs easily from the door frame and stores a shocking amount of items.

There are so many options online. I recommend finding one similar to this style.

8. Microfiber towels

A good, microfiber towel is an absolute must have – especially if you are planning to stay in hostels. Microfiber towels are antimicrobial, and are designed to dry quickly. They are an excellent option for the beach and for navigating showers in hostels.

This is the brand that I use – but any microfiber towel will work.

9. A pillow case

Now listen – it may be confusing to see a pillowcase on here. But let me let you in on a secret. These little guys have so many hidden use cases!

I’ve used pillow cases to cover pillows in hostels, hold my dirty laundry, and even as a hair wrap when I lost my towel in Amsterdam (moment of silence. RIP). I also created a make-shift pillow on an unfortunate overnight at an airport. Simply stuff your pillowcase full of your packed clothing and voila! A pillow!

Check out these options!

10. Diva Cup

Probably few things are worse than FINALLY getting to your vacation and then realizing it coincides with that time of the month. Ugh. And listen – we don’t want to be hauling around a box of tampons or pads in our pack. That’s valuable space! 

Enter: the Diva Cup. 

It is always a good idea to keep one of these in your toiletry kit as a backup. You can typically purchase feminine hygiene products at local pharmacies – but ya never know.

Photo Credit: Annie Spratt via Unsplash

That’s all folks!

Hopefully this guide kickstarts your packing list. There aren’t many travel essentials for women that I wouldn’t just blanket recommend everyone bring – but this list is a good start!

Do you have any travel essentials for women that you swear by? If so, drop a comment below!

For more inspiration, check out my top travel essentials guide here.